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A Medical Dictionary of Medical Terminology
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a type of chronic pain that affects your face. It causes extreme, sudden burning or shock-like pain. It usually affects one side of the face. Any vibration on your face, even from talking, can set it off. The condition may come and go, disappearing for days or even months. But the longer you have it, the less often it goes away.
TN usually affects people over 50, especially women. The cause is probably a blood vessel pressing on the trigeminal nerve, one of the largest nerves in the head. Tumors and multiple sclerosis can also cause TN, but in some cases the cause is unknown.
There is no specific test for TN. It can be hard to diagnose, since many other conditions can cause facial pain. Treatment options include medicines, surgery, and complementary techniques.
NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Face injuries and disorders can cause pain and affect how you look. In severe cases, they can affect sight, speech, breathing and your ability to swallow. Fractures (broken bones), especially in the bones of your nose, cheekbone and jaw, are common facial injuries.
Certain diseases also lead to facial disorders. For example, nerve diseases like trigeminal neuralgia or Bell's palsy sometimes cause facial pain, spasms and trouble with eye or facial movement. Birth defects can also affect the face. They can cause underdeveloped or unusually prominent facial features or a lack of facial expression. Cleft lip and palate are a common facial birth defect.
Your jaw is a set of bones that holds your teeth. It includes:
Jaw problems can include:
Diagnostic imaging tests are often used to diagnose jaw injuries and disorders. Your treatment will depend on which jaw problem you have.
The brain, spinal cord, and nerves make up the nervous system. Together they control all the workings of the body. When something goes wrong with a part of your nervous system, you can have trouble moving, speaking, swallowing, breathing, or learning. You can also have problems with your memory, senses, or mood.
There are more than 600 neurologic diseases. Major types include:
Pain is a signal in your nervous system that something may be wrong. It is an unpleasant feeling, such as a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache. Each person feels pain differently, even if the reason for the pain is the same. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may be mild or severe. Pain may come and go, or it may be constant. You may feel pain in one area of your body, such as your back, abdomen, chest, or pelvis, or you may feel it all over.
Pain can help alert you that there is a problem. If you never felt pain, you might seriously hurt yourself without knowing it, or you might not realize you have a medical problem that needs treatment. Finding out what's causing your pain will help your health care provider determine the best way to manage or treat it.
What are the types of pain?Patterns and types of pain are named based on how long and how often you have pain. These include:
Pain may also be categorized by what is likely to be the cause of the pain. Pain may be described as nociceptive (caused by tissue damage or inflammation), neuropathic (caused by nerve damage), or nociplastic (caused by changes in how your nervous system processes pain).
What causes pain?Understanding what causes pain and why people feel it differently may be difficult. Often, it's easier to find the cause of acute pain due to an injury than the cause of chronic pain, or you may have an ongoing cause of pain, such as cancer.
In some cases, there is no clear cause. Environmental factors and psychological factors such as stress and beliefs about pain may affect the way you feel pain and respond to treatment.
How is pain diagnosed?You are the only one who knows how your pain feels. Your provider can best measure your pain by how you report it. They may ask you:
If the cause of your pain is unknown, your provider may also do a physical exam and order blood tests or other medical tests to help find the cause.
What are the treatments for pain?Pain is not always curable, but there are many ways to manage and treat it. Treatment depends on the cause and type of pain. Treatments may include medicines, such as pain relievers. There are also non-drug treatments, such as acupuncture, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery.
Depending on the cause of your pain and your symptoms, your provider may recommend lifestyle changes. These may include suggestions for:
NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Nerves are like wires that carry messages back and forth between your brain and your body. Your peripheral nerves branch off from your brain and spinal cord and connect to all parts of your body, including your muscles and organs. Peripheral nerves carry messages from your brain that control your movement, breathing, heartbeat, digestion, and more. They also carry messages from your body to your brain, so you can feel things, such as pain, heat, and cold.
What are peripheral nerve disorders?Peripheral nerve disorders happen when one or more peripheral nerves are damaged. Damaged nerves may not carry messages correctly, or they may not work at all. As a result, you may have pain, trouble walking, or a variety of other problems, depending on which nerves are involved.
Peripheral nerve disorders are very common. There are more than 100 different types.
What causes peripheral nerve disorders?Many things can damage nerves and lead to peripheral nerve disorders:
In certain cases, the cause of peripheral nerve disorder is not known.
What are the symptoms of peripheral nerve disorders?The symptoms of peripheral nerve disorders depend on which nerves are affected, what is causing the damage, and how serious it is:
Types of nervesPossible symptoms of nerve damageMotor nerves control your muscles and all your movement, such as walking, talking, and using your hands.Symptoms may range from mild to very strong. They may develop quickly over days or slowly over months and years. But they are rarely life-threatening.
How are peripheral nerve disorders diagnosed?To find out if you have a peripheral nerve disorder, your provider will:
It's important to treat any conditions that are causing nerve damage. In certain cases, that will allow your nerves to heal over time.
Treatment for symptoms depends on the type of peripheral nerve disorder you have, where it is, and how severe. Treatment options include:
You can help prevent peripheral nerve disorders by:
NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke