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Bacterial Infections

What are bacteria?

Bacteria are tiny organisms (living things) that have only one cell. Under a microscope, they look like balls, rods, or spirals. They can be found almost everywhere on Earth. There are lots of bacteria in and on your body. In fact, your body has about 10 times more bacteria cells than human cells.

There are many different types of bacteria. Most types don't make you sick. Some types are helpful. For example, "good" bacteria in your digestive system can help your body digest food and absorb vitamins and minerals. They can help protect you from getting sick. Bacteria are also used in making foods like yogurt and cheese.

But some types of bacteria can cause an infection and make you sick. They are called infectious bacteria. These bacteria can reproduce quickly in your body. Many of them give off toxins (poisons) that can damage your cells and make you sick. Other types can move into and damage your tissues. A few examples of bacteria that cause infections include Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and E. coli.

How do bacterial infections spread?

There are different ways that bacterial infections may spread:

What are the treatments for bacterial infections?

Sometimes your immune system may be able to fight off a bacterial infection. But when you do need treatment, it will be with antibiotics.

antibiotic resistance

Can bacterial infections be prevented?

You can help prevent some bacterial infections by:

Hair Problems

The average person has 5 million hairs. Hair grows all over your body except on your lips, palms, and the soles of your feet. It takes about a month for healthy hair to grow half an inch. Most hairs grow for up to six years and then fall out. New hairs grow in their place.

Hair helps keep you warm. It also protects your eyes, ears and nose from small particles in the air. Common problem with the hair and scalp include hair loss, infections, and flaking.

Infection Control

Every year, lives are lost because of the spread of infections in hospitals. Health care workers can take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. These steps are part of infection control.

Proper hand washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections in hospitals. If you are a patient, don't be afraid to remind friends, family and health care providers to wash their hands before getting close to you.

Other steps health care workers can take include:

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